Thursday, December 3, 2009

Make up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

alright umm im about 16 years and i wanna wear make up but theres one problem i know nothing about what colors would be good how to apply it so on an so forth, all i no is that i love arab style make up, and mac an sephora colors. Oh if it helps im blond green eyes rosy *** cheeks and really pale, also you no those briefcase looking tthings that make up artists have, what are they called?Make up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
well i can tell you this...

when it comes to eye shadows..your green eyes would probably look good with any color.

try out some light purples...purple compliments green..

and maybe some light beiges and browns..

you put a light 'base' color on your lid..a darker shade of the same or similar color in the outter corner..eye liner..or a darker shade lining the top of the eye lid (bottom eye lid optional) and a darker color in the crease above the lid..below the brow bone..the most important thing is to BLEND THE SHADS TOGETHER WHERE THEY dont wanna look like a clown

your gonna wanna buy some magazines like seventeen and so on..because they let you know what skin tones go best with what...and ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you need to know about makeup

if you wanna be really bold...go to a mall or a sephora store if you have one and let the make up artists give you a few pointers..

also..eyeliner is great..but if youre gonna wear should REALLY learn how to put it on...i will look trampy if theres too much..that goes for eye shadow, lip stick, blush, etc

just experiment...try different colors and different styles

GOOD LUCK GIRL.....but remember you dont need makeup to be beautiful!Make up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
if you really dont know anything about make-up, you say you like Sephora, so if you have a Sephora store near you, go and the ladies will give you a makeover and show you different styles and colors that would look good with your skin tones. Just remember, most of the time when girls start wearing make-up, they just can't stop.
Well the easiest thing would be to upload a picture and then ask because it's hard because your colouring will be completely different.

You hair will vary in different places, your eyes.

We don't know how good condition your skin is in.

But my advice to you would be go to youtube and look for make up tutorials to suit your skin type :]

Hope I helped.
i think the best thing is to see a picture of you. its best to tell, most blondes with green eyes and pale skin could pull off the shimmery earthy tones which realy bring out the features with blondes with green eyes

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