Monday, June 21, 2010

I want to work for MAC make up company as a make up artisit. Im not sure where to start.?

I would love to hear from professional makeup artist. My goal is to become a makeup artist. Any advice would help. I want to work for MAC make up company as a make up artisit. Im not sure where to start.?
M.A.C actually has their basic retail employees and then other employees that are actual makeup artists for the company that go out to shoots and events for them.

If you have no experience in cosmetics your best bet is to obviously get some. Drugstores are a perfect place to start as they are much easier to get hired onto than say a department store makeup counter. A strong retail background will get you the experience that you need to get your foot in the door at a cosmetic counter.

Schooling always helps as well. Find some courses in your area and practice, practice, practice.I want to work for MAC make up company as a make up artisit. Im not sure where to start.?
Try like something thats not MAC to start with MAC doens't really do that kinda stuff. Ask around at the local Macy's or Bon- Ton or whatever local department store you have. You could also see about interning or just getting some info from make up artists at a local spa or salon

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