Monday, June 21, 2010

I cannot make up my mind between a Rottweiler and an American Bulldog?

Help! I have studied both breeds and love each. I simply cannot make up my mind. I already own a Japanese Akita and now want another breed of dog so He can have a companion. The next dog will be a girl and she will be spayed. I need you to help me make up my mind. So which is it a Rottweiler or an American Bulldog. ( why ) thanks for helping me with this dilema.I cannot make up my mind between a Rottweiler and an American Bulldog?
It's good that you have researched the breeds make sure you look into local laws because some prohibit Rottweilers and bully breeds. My parents have always had rotties and I think they are a magnificent dog. They will protect you and your family you won't have to worry about burglaries or anything like that because they scare the crap out of most people. They are clever and easily trained I have never met one that didn't like children or other pets (though our current one has a strong prey drive). They are an all around great dog and they will always make you laugh.I cannot make up my mind between a Rottweiler and an American Bulldog?
Both are very strong, powerful breeds, w/ fairly short fur so the grooming needs are the same. Just think about your lifestyle. Both will require good training and discipline and make sure you research the breeder as both breeds can have many genetic diseases. But as far as my preference, I love the German breeds and Rotts are big babies and are very loyal, intelligent and protective.
Both are great, loveable, powerful animals.

Remember that nature is the sheetmusic, nurture is the conductor. So at least to a certain extent you get what you get, but good training is essential.

Meet your puppy and its parents, the mother at a minimum.
Rottweilers are actually very good with kids and are wonderful guard dogs, i know i have one, and they are only mean if YOU make it that way, so don't believe what you hear about them being mean naturally...
Our family has had 3 rottweilers and they can be the sweetest dogs, so I myself would choose the rottweiler. The ones we have had act just like one of the kids. So good luck in your decision. And I agree with Rosey, we just moved to Las Vegas and are finding out that 99% of rental places wont allow rotty/pit mixes. Its because of the bad name that people give the dogs. Its very irritating!
Do you have the time, experience and patience to raise two strong breeds together?
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