Monday, June 21, 2010

How do I make my make-up look fabulous like all the movie stars?

And i would like to know a quick way to remove stretch marks without a lotion.How do I make my make-up look fabulous like all the movie stars?
As far as make up, make sure you use the right colors that suit you. And the stretch marks, get a tan and they will fade. However i would use Palmer's Cocoa Butter, it works miracles.How do I make my make-up look fabulous like all the movie stars?
First there is lotion or cremes that get rid or reduce stretch marks. Make up I have found that you can extent the outer conners of your eyes with eyeliner. Extend lip liner to just below your lips to make them look fuller and then gloss is with the same color. To make eyes look fulle extend eye shadow around the eyes.

Also with makeup I suggest go here:,,4t8m,00.html

This web site has an extension of beauty tips)
you have to hire professional make up artists who have been doing it for many many many years.
you can look at magazines of celebrity make up that you like and find out what they are using and copy the colors, but find colors that are close to your own skin tone. as for stretch marks you may not be able to rid them a 100% but i hear merderma for scars will also fade stretch marks and it cost about $15.00
well they all have make-up artists, which they are very well trained. in magazines such as teen people, (many others) they often give healthy makeup tips on how to make your makeup like the stars. sometimes its hard, but you'll get the hang of it. the more you practice at it, the better you get.
you won't be able to make your make up look as fabulous. you shouldn't want to either. beauty comes from within.

unless you want to have surgery, lotion is your best bet.
Answer to your first question... You will need to get yourself a make-up artist.
photoshop its what they do in magazines to hide imperfections
cocoa butter will help..but that is all i know.

also, go to a counter in the mall and have them do a free makeover. This will help with the technique.

DO not skip on your foundation. It makes all the difference in the world. I used several brands until i found one that really make my skin look smooth.

But the free makeover means the most.
By getting a professional to do it everyday!
answer to your first question, good quality makeup and professional makeup artists for you

second question, you have to use lotion and the only one that i know for sure will work is StriVectin-SD

it's a bit expensive but it works
You put alot of coverup on and bronzer becuz everyone looks better tan. THen after u hid all ur imperfects u put a dark color on ur eyelidtoward the outside and a highlight color.. usually a sprakling white under ur brow. n eys liner mascara..
need a makeup artist sorry hun

strech marks i think you needdd lotion soory
Hire a make up artist.
Yahoo! Answers doesn't work magic.
I can't help you with the stretchmarks but a tip for makeup:

keep natural! Browns and beiges for your eyes, and a little rosier for your lips and cheeks. I use a foundation then a powder for that flawless 'airbrushed' look that all the stars have.
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